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Aktuální akce na Palmovce :-)


Sweetness, bitterness, acidity, citrusy hints. Vibrant notes of chocolate and caramel, spicy scents, an aftertaste of dried fruit, almond, vanilla. 

A little cup of true Italian espresso has more than 800 different aromas. A few sips which divulge stories of faraway lands, of ancient, unique traditions, of skilful hands and rigorous processes that create this tiny masterpiece of flavours, sensations and perfumes.

The word espresso does not indicate a particular quality of coffee bean or a special kind of roast, but a method of brewing ground roasted coffee. This typically Italian coffee-making method is absolutely unique because it succeeds, more than any other, in highlighting and enhancing the characteristics and qualities of the coffee blend, magically revealing its aromas and evoking its origins, journey and history.

A symbol of Italian culture that is loved the world over and still has much to say.

Basic parameters:

Amount of coffee for one espresso: 7g of freshly-ground coffee
Brew temperature: approximately 90 ºC
Beverage temperature in the cup: 67 ºC ± 3 ºC
Water pressure: approxiately 9 bar
Brew time: 23-25 seconds
Caffeine: less than 100 mg/cup
Volume of espresso in the cup: 25 ml ± 2.5

Where to find us


Mo - Fr 8:30-22:30h | Sat 9:30-22:00h | Sun 9:30-20:00h

Senovážné nám. 994/2 Praha 1 - Nové Město 110 00

T: +420 773 968 250 |  E: info at sicily.cz




cheque dejeuner

ticket restaurant


Dear guests, we dont accept eservations for lunchtime from 10:00 to 14:00 during working days. Many thanx for your understanding.


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